Small Groups for Bible Study, Prayer, and Fellowship
Since Scripture is central to what it means to know and follow God, we encourage everyone to read daily from the Bible, and to join together with others to learn from and encourage each other.

Women's Bible Study Group
Thursdays 11AM - 1PM
Join us on site or online as we gather around God's Word. Â Encouragement, mutual support, and Christian Growth guide us as we learn together.
Contact us for this week's meeting site
or for access to our online platform.

Men's Bible
Study Group
Saturdays 8:30AM - 9:30AM
Men gathering around Scripture and Godly Conversations to spur each other on to growing in Christ.
We meet in the Conference Room of the Admin building.

Prayer Gathering
2nd & 4th Wednesdays each month at 7:00PM
Gather together as a people of God to offer prayers for our families, communities, for health, peace, and whatever else is on your heart. Â There's no Service Order or agenda, just the Church at Prayer.